I'm New Here... What Do I Do?

Welcome! We're happy that you have found us. Since this is your first time here, we thought you may have a few questions about visiting Humber Valley United. But please feel free to contact us should you have more questions CONTACT THE CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR or call Kelly at 416-231-2263 X22.
Many of the Church activities operate both in person and virtually for the convenience and comfort level of all. We would invite you to consult our Calendar for events in which we welcome everyone to participate!
Here is some information that may help you get acquainted with our church.
What Should I Expect?
When you arrive at HVUC, we will welcome you warmly. We care about you and we want you to experience God's love. We hope that you will feel comfortable exploring and growing in faith, and that you will know that here "no one should ever feel alone."
What About My Kids?
Families with children understand that exposing our young people to strong programs that promote Christian values will help them in their personal development and in coping with the challenges of everyday life. We welcome children of all ages.
We have two large parking lots and there is also street parking along Wimbledon and Anglesey Blvd.
What To Wear
You are welcome to wear whatever you wish when you attend our services. We want you to feel comfortable.
How Can I Learn More?
We hope that you will find much of the information you are looking for on this website. However, if you have more questions, please do give us a call or come to a Sunday service and join us for coffee and tea (and cookies of course!) afterwards in our Fellowship Hall, where people will be happy to meet you and answer your questions.
A Minister, a member of our staff or a member of the congregation will be pleased to provide all the information you need about Humber Valley United. Start by giving us a call at the church office 416-231-2263 our VISIT THE STAFF PAGE.
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