Truly All are Welcome Here!
In the same way that Jesus embodies the divine dream for the world, together, Humber Valley United Church is seeking to be a living expression of justice, compassion and belonging, now, and into the future.
KEEPING IN TOUCH is our weekly newsletter that contains notices about Humber Valley's events, announcements and much more. Subscribe Here. To place ads or notices, please send your material to Kelly by noon Wednesdays. VIEW K.I.T. HERE
"Connections" bi-monthy newsletter: The December edition is chock full of news, stories, reflections, and photos! VIEW HERE
Event Calendar Check out our multitude of church community gatherings by date. Also please scroll down to see the ads below.
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Humber Valley United Church seeks to be a safe place for everyone to worship and gather. In the current season of increased respiratory viruses, including COVID, we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE MASKS to be properly worn, covering the nose and mouth, when social distancing is not possible. In this way we protect ourselves individually, as well as all those around us.
Sunday, Feb. 16, 10:00am
Sunday Worship LIVE ON YouTube ONLY. Weekly scripture: Matthew 4:18-22
DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER the church building is closed Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025. The 10am service will be broadcast online only (no in-person attendance). CLICK HERE TO VIEW AT 10am on Sunday, Feb. 16.
Sunday, Feb. 16 - There will be no 11:30am service "Faith Unbound: Music & Reflections" will return next Sunday.

Pastoral Care for All
Pastoral care is always available. Trevor is available to meet, pray, chat, counsel and listen - email Trevor. Feel free to contact us by phone at 416-231-2263 or VIEW STAFF CONTACT INFO.
One License #A724919 Affirm United
55+ In Central Etobicoke
All Welcome to Join Our Award-Winning Community Programs
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55+ Activities This Week Newsletter
Vespers Hymn Sing YouTube Channel
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